Dear Santa
The Vagabond Players
Dear Santa
By Norm Foster
Directed by Jacqollyne Keath
Have you ever wondered what it is really like at the North Pole? Well come on down to the Bernie Legge Theatre in Queens Park, New Westminster. Santa and his busy elves have cooked up a great show for you. Join the fun as Santa Claus tries to fulfill a child's special Christmas wish while his staff struggles to overcome a supply shortage at the North Pole.
This lively family comedy introduces a host of quirky characters—all of whom are essential to get Santa ready for his Christmas Eve tour. The show stars Sue Sparlin as Santa; Greg Dersken as Algernon, the efficient Chief of Staff; Kathleen Kelly Driscoll as Bozidar, the head honcho in charge of the elves; and Denise Fullbrook as Santa’s housekeeper. Adding to the fun are Jim Bjorkes as a pushy sleigh salesman, and Claire Temple, Faith Hurd and Andra Louie as the visitors who create more complications for Santa. Rounding out the cast are Kelly Avery, Alice Woodbury, Rob Larsen, Suzanne Biehl, Helen Volkow, Amy Goheen, Lindsey McGaire and Alison Main-Tourneur as elves and choristers. Don’t miss this laugh-filled holiday play, delightfully entertaining for adults and innocent enough for the youngest boy or girl.
December 6 - 23, 2012
Thursday - Saturday at 8pm and Sunday matinees at 2pm
Special Saturday matinee on December 22 at 2pm
The Bernie Legge Theatre, Queen's Park, New Westminster
Tickets: Adults - $15 Seniors/Students - $13
2-for-1 preview nights on December 6 and 7
Reservations: 604-521-0412 or
#bernieleggetheatre #newwestminster #pressrelease #queenspark #vagabondplayers #christmas #fun #jacqollynekeath #kathleendriscoll #faithhurd #alisonmaintourneur #lindsaymcgaire #densiefullbrook #denisebrooksen #clairetemple #andralouie #kellyavery #alicewoodbury #roblarsen #suzannebiehl #helenvolkow #amygoheen #elves #santa #suesparlin #gregdersken #northpole